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Inclement Weather Hours

There isn't a better way to celebrate spring's arrival than to enjoy a fresh meal full of flavor. Well, maybe digging the weeds out of your garden or cleaning out that closet would be more fitting, but they certainly wouldn't be as fun!

We've made it so easy to coordinate delicious catering for any occasion on campus. All you have to do is fill out our online form, give us a call or send us an email to arrange for our freshly prepared cuisine to be delivered straight to your event.

That certainly sounds better than trying to sort through that overflowing closet, doesn't it?

Contact Us

Contact Information:
Jennifer Jenkins
Phone: 843-661-1262

Catering Office Location:
4822 East Palmetto St
Florence, SC 29506

Hours of Operation: 
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Your Voice Counts Survey

We love hearing your feedback. Tell us about your catering experience — take our survey.